Review Generation - Rebranded

Review Generation - Rebranded

What’s changed?

  • Rebranding of our Review Generation & Interaction features. They are now called Review Acquisitions & All reviews.
  • Widgets have been included under the All Reviews component.

Rebranding of our Review Generation & Interaction features.

These two features are no longer under separate headers, they are accessible under one component - namely the Reviews.


Click on the Reviews option to view these 2 sub-features

All reviews - previously known as Interactions

Review Acquisitions - Previously known as Review Generation.

Features included under All Reviews Component.

Review Widgets that was previously a separate component available in the navigation header, has now been included under the all reviews feature.

  • Edit Positive review criteria (for filtering purposes)
  • View Review Sources (Add additional review sites)
  • View Bulk response jobs (Access all the bulk response actions you have initiated for the location)
  • Export report (download the report you see based on the filters applied on the screen)
  • Response templates (Create global & individual templates)
  • Wildcards which was previously visible under settings have now been included under response templates
  • Review Widgets - which was a stand-alone component by itself on the navigation header, have now been included under All reviews.

Features included under Review Acquisition Component

  • Acquisitions - Previously known as review campaigns (View all past and active review acquisition campaigns you have launched for a location.
  • Acquire New reviews - Previously knows as Create new review campaigns(Create new review acquisitions from here).
  • Responses - Access all the review responses your location has received.
  • Delivery Errors - Access the email/SMS delivery errors for every review acquisition campaign launched.
  • Create Email/SMS or Statis URL review acquisitions.









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