Managing connection suggestions for your locations & triggering a manual match

Managing connection suggestions for your locations & triggering a manual match

Note: Once a GMB/FB account is connected to the Synup dashboard, the UI will identify any exact matches for your Google & Facebook listings and recommend them as possible connection suggestions. Confirming the suggested match is a manual task to be performed by the user. If the system has not found the correct location match, the user can also choose to assign another listing.

Suppose new locations have been added to your Synup account after a Google/Facebook account was connected. In such a case, you can re-download the listings from your already connected Google/Facebook account by triggering new matches.


Note: Our platform only recommends Google listings that you have admin access to and are verified. If your location is not verified, or the account that you have connected to the dashboard does not have admin access, then the location match or suggestions will not appear under connection suggestions.

Once you are here, the dashboard automatically identifies the list of locations that you attempted to connect. The dashboard prompts you suggestions of the possible matches for your locations.

If the suggestion provided by the dashboard is accurate, you can just click on confirm to successfully connect the location.

Else you can use the Assign another listing option to manually select a listing from any Connected Facebook or Google account to connect to the location.

Note: Assign another listing option under connection suggestions is to be used when the prompted suggestions to connect are inaccurate.

When you select Assign another listing, a new window will appear which will allow you to select from a list of already connected accounts on the dashboard.


From the drop-downs, now select the account you want to connect to manually match and also select the location itself manually.

Once you have selected the account & location details manually, click on the Assign this listing CTA button to complete the connection.

Once this step is complete, your location will be successfully connected to the dashboard.

In a situation where the connection suggestions do not prompt any suggestions for your location, you can manually trigger matches from the location connection tab. Read this article to know more.