Assigning a new listing to a location when no connection suggestions are prompted

Assigning a new listing to a location when no connection suggestions are prompted

In a situation where the connection suggestions do not show matching suggestions for your location, you can manually assign a new listing to such locations.

First, Login to your Synup account and navigate to the connected accounts page under settings.

Once there, you will see all of the Google/Facebook accounts that are connected to your Synup dashboard.

Once here, click on the 3 dots(hamburger sign) next to the account that you wish to initiate new location matches, and select the option to request new matches.

Note: Once a new matches request is triggered, it may take up to 20mins for the UI to fetch all the new locations. Hence, it is recommended to wait for about 20mins then proceed to manually match any locations.

Once this is done, navigate to the Location Connection tab, and from the 3 dots/hamburger sign residing beside the location, select Assign a listing.

Note: Assign a listing option under the location connections tab is to be used when there are no connection suggestion prompts on the UI.

When you select Assign a listing, a new window will appear, allowing you to assign a location from a list of already connected accounts on the dashboard.

You will also be able to see the Name, address & phone number of the location to ensure that you are assigning the correct location. From the drop-downs, now select the account you want to connect and select the location manually.

In the location selection dropdown, an arrow option is also visible. Click on the little arrow, and this will redirect you to the live link of the location. 

This is to ensure that you are assigning the correct location. This is especially helpful with service area businesses or for locations with the same names.

Once you have selected the account & location details manually, click on the Assign the listing CTA button to complete the connection.

Once this step is complete, your location will be successfully connected to the dashboard.

Additional troubleshooting steps if your connecting accounts do not show up

Accounts that have a large number of connected accounts (more than 100). You might face an issue in loading the drop-down for the list of connected accounts in the "Assign a Listing" pop-up in the Location Connections tab in the Settings section. We have made some changes in that workflow.

  • When you open the drop-down, a maximum of 100 connected accounts will load. This will take some time as the data size is big. Please be patient while it loads. Please refresh the cache once if it fails. 
  • We have added a search option in that drop-down, which will go and search for the connected account based on the text. Give it some time to load. It depends on the amount of data in the dashboard. 
  • Once you select the connected account, you can go to the next drop-down and wait for the listings of that connected account to load. Select the listing of your choice after that.