How to create review acquisitions

How to create review acquisitions

With Synup's Review Acquisition Wizard, you can motivate your customers to leave positive reviews for your business online.

To Get Started With Acquiring more Reviews:

Click Review Acquisition in the overhead Navigation Bar.

 Then select the Acquisitions option, and click +Acquire New Acquisitions.

Choose your review acquisition Channel:

Once you select the +Acquire New Acquisitions option, you will see the option to create 2 types of review acquisition options.

  1. SMS/Email - SMS and Email are two of the most lucrative channels to acquire more reviews. Click Select to proceed.
  2. Review Page via a Static URL - To make review acquisition more flexible we’ve introduced a way for you to create branded review acquisition campaigns that you can share as status URLs with customers. Learn more about it here.

Review acquisition via SMS/Email Channel

Step 1: Add Your New review Acquisition Information

Set your Review Acquisitions Name and Add Location details.

  • Add a Review Acquisition Name - Enter a unique name that allows you to identify the objective for the review acquisitions.
  • Choose a Location - Click ‘Select Location Manually’ and choose a location. You can use filters to make your location searches more relevant.
  • Click Apply & Save - to ensure that the location/s you select have been chosen for the review acquisition.
  • Once you have selected the Review Acquisition Name and location, select the campaign type - email/SMS. Mark the checkboxes for Email and SMS campaigns.

Step 2: Add Details for your Review Acquisition

You can edit the messaging content for email and SMS review acquisitions.s

For Email Acquisitions

  • Who is sending the review acquisition? - Enter the “from” email and ‘Reply to’ email address. (This will be displayed on the email when it arrives in your subscriber’s inbox. You can either choose to send out your review acquisitions from a default verified subdomain that we’ve set up for you or choose to send out emails from a custom domain.)
  • Click the drop-down and choose from the options.

Note - while you can choose to use custom domains, your custom domain will first need to be verified before you can proceed to send out a review acquisition from this domain. Learn more about custom domains here.

For SMS Campaigns

  • Personalize your SMS Content - We use SMS credits to send out your SMS campaigns. You can view how many credits your current SMS will require and the credits available for the location/ group of locations.
    Learn more about
    SMS Credit charges and how to purchase SMS credits.

Step 3: Recipient Details

You can choose to add customers individually or add multiple customers at once via a CSV upload.

To add customers individually to your campaign:

  • Enter your customer’s name and an email address or a contact number.
  • Click +Add another customer to add another field.

To add multiple customers via CSV:

You can add up to 1000 recipients using CSV to your review acquisition.

  • Click Download sample CSV template.
  • Open this template using a spreadsheet program (like MS Excel or Google Spreadsheets) and fill in your customer information.
  • Click Upload CSV to upload your file.

Note: Ensure that the customers you add as recipients to your review acquisition have opted in to receive such review requests via emails or SMS. Learn more about the Customer Opt-in Log.


Once you’ve reviewed the review acquisition details and the customer recipient list, you can choose to set up follow-up requests that engage customers at intervals after launching your initial campaign. Learn more about follow-up requests under Review Acquisition Settings.

Launching the Email/SMS Review Acquisitions

You can either schedule your campaign to be sent out to customers at a more compliant local time or launch your campaign right away.

If you are ready to launch your campaign immediately click Schedule this Acquisition and select Launch Now.

To schedule a review acquisition at a later date, select the Schedule option, and pick the date and time.

Note:  For the schedule later option, the review acquisition will be launched at the local time of the particular chosen location.

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