Agency Tools: Dashboard Set Up

Agency Tools: Dashboard Set Up


Synup's white-label dashboard enables you to use the dashboard as a reporting tool. You can show your customers the status of their listings, reviews, and rankings.

You can also setup a white-labeled notification system that allows you to send out notifications to interact with your clients and prompt them to take the required action.

Setting up your White-Labeled Dashboard

Step 1 - Dashboard Settings

Step 2 - Set up your CNAME records to integrate the dashboard.


Log in to your Synup dashboard and click the Settings tab displayed in the overhead navigation bar (as your name).

Now choose Agency Settings from the left navigation panel.

Custom Domain

Provide a URL of the website on which you intend to host the dashboard. You can customize this or even add your business name in the URL.

For example-

When you access your domain settings to host the tool from your domain, this URL needs to point towards Synup's Cname-records.

Note: Learn more about how Cname records work. 

Google Tag Manager container ID

You can add your Google Tag Manager ID here to view Google analytics for your white-labeled dashboard hosting page. Login into your Tag Manager Account to access your Google Tag Manager ID. Learn more here.  

If you do not have a Google Tag Manager account, you can create one here.

Once you create an account, a new container is created by default. Copy this Container ID and enter it in this space.

Note: Adding tag manager container id is not mandatory. The white-labeled dashboard can also be activated without adding this.

Dashboard Access Permission

To authorize clients’ access to the white-labeled dashboard, check the box displayed at the bottom.

Note: The client white-labeled permissions can be defined when you invite clients under Client Roles.

Learn more about roles and permissions under User Management.

Set up your CNAME records to integrate the Dashboard Tool

Once you have updated the settings on your Synup Dashboard, you need to add a CNAME record to your web hosting providers' admin panel. It enables you to host the tool on your webpage.

Google has a very comprehensive article to help you set up your CNAME record. Depending on your web hosting provider, you might have to follow a different set of steps.

General Set up:

Log into your domain account. Navigate to the section where you can manage your DNS records (usually accessible under a settings tab). If you are unsure where to find your DNS records, please contact your hosting provider for assistance.

On the DNS Management page, add a record and specify the type as CNAME.

You have to enter the following fields:

  • Name: <your sub-domain>

This is the Custom Domain URL that you add in the dashboard Set up.

  • Value: <workspace id>
  • This is the workspace previously created along with your Synup account. Example - The Custom Domain URL points to this.

Once your CNAME is set up, navigate to the subdomain URL (Custom Domain URL) you setup, and you should see your dashboard live.

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