Universal Search Header Update

Universal Search Header Update


Hi there!

We have updated the experience of our Universal Search header to make room for additional location search alternatives.

Not a lot has changed from the previous experience, but there are a few things to note in the Universal search header.

Let's see how to navigate through the Universal Search Header changes.

 When you log in to your dashboard, the search header is located on the top of the screen.

With the Universal Search Header, you can search for -

  • Single locations.
  • Multiple locations (With the help of tags you have created).
  • View recently searched locations & tags.
  • Now, we also have a See all my locations option added to the universal search-header (created by default, #all locations tag) - New feature enhancement.

Search for Single Locations

Type in the name of the location to search for a specific location, for which you want to view location data.

Search for Multiple Locations

To view roll-up reports for multiple locations, search the universal search-header with tags you have previously created. Learn more about creating manual tags & folders for your locations.

Note: Users can only see tags to the locations, to which they have been assigned.

View recently searched locations & tags

View the account activity with the help of the recently searched tags & locations option that now visible in the universal search dropdown.

See all my locations - New default #(tag)

Click on the Universal search header to see the new See all my locations option. This is the default all locations tag for your account.

Previously, you would have to create a tag manually for #all locations, to see roll-up reports, for features such as ‘Reviews’ & ‘Analytics’. Now you have this '#all locations' tag created by default for your account.

Click on the 'Select all my locations' option, to view roll-up reports for all your locations.


  • Only users with Admin access can see all tags belonging to all locations. All the other roles can only see tags that belong to locations assigned to them.
  • Freemium locations will not be included in the default 'Select all my locations' option.
  • This default #all tags cannot be removed/deleted by clients.

Additional enhancements with the universal search bar.

We have made some additional enhancements, based on feedback received from various clients.

Now, when a tag(#) is selected in the universal search bar, the view remains constant. Unlike before, when you now navigate/switch from one roll-up feature tab view to another(Example - Insights page, review page, or analytics page), the view will not roll back to the single location you previously searched.

Also, in tabs where the roll-up view is not acceptable - for example, review generation, if a tag view is selected, a disclaimer has been added that the Rollup view is not yet supported on this page.


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