Submitting Locations tags as labels on your google business profiles

Submitting Locations tags as labels on your google business profiles

What are labels in your Google Business Profile /Google My Business manager?

Google Business Profile (earlier known as Google My Business or GMB) Labels allow you to organize your business location. These labels help business owners organize multi-location outlets into groups. You can also manage them from your GBP dashboard.

The thing about labels is that they do not directly impact the listing performance of your business, but it is crucial for the internal organizing of your listings. When you assign a label to a listing, it makes it easy for you to search for the specific label in the GBP listing.

There are various uses of labels, including listing age, assigning regions, and any other descriptors related to your business.

To do this via your GBP account - Login into your GBP account -> Select the location/listings for which you want to add the label -> Navigate to the Info option from the left panel -> then enter the labels.

Note: You cannot add labels in bulk for multiple locations from the GBP account. 

How to add Labels to your Google Business Profile manager/Google My Business through the Synup dashboard?

One big advantage of adding labels to your GBPs via the Synup dashboard is that you can perform adding labels in bulk for your locations.

You remember the tags feature on the Synup UI that is used to tag locations for the purpose of viewing metrics for multiple locations right !! If that still does not ring a bell, read this article to note how to add tags and this one to know how to use tags to view roll-up reports

To add labels - First, navigate to the account settings option on your dashboard and then navigate to tags submission option.

The tags that have already been added to the Synup dashboard for all your locations will be visible here.

Hover over any of the tags to see the option to Submit to google.

By clicking on the Submit to Google option for all the locations to which this specific tag has been added on Synup, corresponding labels will be added to their Google profiles. 

You can also select multiple tags to submit multiple labels to the said locations by clicking on the Submit to Google option. And they would reflect on the respective GBP profiles/locations.

If at any point you wish to remove these labels from the Google profiles, select the tags and select Remove from Google and the labels will be removed.

Note: Remember that you can assign a maximum of 10 labels per location (on both Synup & GBP), with each label having a maximum capacity of 50 characters. Also, a reverse data sync from GBP  to UI does not happen for this feature and all other features. 

Access to users to use the Tags submission options - Tags can be enabled from the user roles permissions. Manage locations->tags, is the permissions path.

Important note: If a tag is removed from any location on the UI, the same will be removed from GBP as well even without ‘Remove from Google’ being performed.

Adding labels to your Google Business Profile makes it easy for you to manage your multi-location listings efficiently.