How to respond to reviews with response templates

How to respond to reviews with response templates

Synup’s Review Response Templates support quick and easy reputation management.

What can I do with Review Response Templates?

  1. You can create unlimited templates from the dashboard for standardized and timely communication.
  2. Manage and assign templates to be used across multiple locations.
  3. Access a collection of templates for rotating template responses.
  4. Prioritize responding to negative reviews with filters.
  5. Use Wildcards to auto-populate information fields for personalized responses.

Activating Review Response Templates

Access the All reviews tab and from here select the hamburger menu(3 dots) on the right to access the response templates option

On the page you are re-directed to, Enable the toggle switch displayed at the top. With this enabled, you can respond using Review Response Templates.

Once you have activated the response templates, create one using the Create new template option. There are also two default templates available for you to use.

To Add a New template

Select the Create new template option. Now add a name for your template and the message you want to include in your response.

Select the “Make this a global template” option and click on save.

There are 2 types of response templates that you can create:

  • User Templates - These are templates that can be used only by you. Only you are allowed to edit and delete these user templates.
  • Global Templates - These are templates that can be used by all users under your account.

Note: Only users with permission to manage Global Templates can create, edit, or delete Global Templates in the account.

Responding to reviews using Response Templates

  1. Click Reviews->All reviews from the overhead navigation bar.
  2. Use the Navigation Picker to access a location you want to manage.
  3. You can choose to display reviews by period, or Filter by review site, rating, and status.
  4. Click Respond and select from the template suggestions that appear on the right.

You can also view more templates from your collection.

The template you select appears in the response box. You can edit this response template before posting it.

Once you have added the required template, click Send to publish your response.

You can also use Wildcards to personalize your message.

Note: If you have made changes to the response template directly from the text box, the Send and Save Template button allows you to publish your response and save this response as a new template.

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