How to connect your GMB & FB accounts to initiate sync on the dashboard

How to connect your GMB & FB accounts to initiate sync on the dashboard

Connecting your Business Digital Profile accounts on Google and Facebook allows you to sync any updated location data on your Synup Dashboard directly to your location listings on these Partner Networks.

If you manage multiple locations from your dashboard, you can connect multiple locations at once.

Feature Prerequisites - Ensure that the Locations associated with your Google and Facebook accounts are already claimed and verified. Only Admin users can access connecting accounts for Google and Facebook.

Connecting multiple locations to the dashboard

Click Settings from the account settings drop-down menu and then select Connected Accounts from the side navigation panel.

Once you are on the Connected accounts tab, you will notice 2 tabs - Connected accounts & Location connections.

Connected accounts - This will show you a list of all the GMB & Facebook accounts that are connected on your Synup dashboard.

Locations connections - This will show you a detailed list of all the locations added on your Synup dashboard, along with the GMB & Facebook account they are connected to.

We will learn in detail about these in the following instructional segments.

To begin connecting your GMB & Facebook accounts.

Navigate to the connect new account option, which will give you a drop-down option to either connect your Google, Facebook & Trustpilot accounts.

Select one of the options and we can proceed with connecting new Google &/ Facebook accounts.

To learn more about connecting your Trustpilot account, check this article.

Now Let's connect.

Under the Connected accounts tab, select the ‘connect new account’-> Google(or Facebook) workflow to proceed with connecting a new Google(or Facebook) account to the Synup dashboard.

You will be redirected to select/input the Google/GMB credentials for the locations you need to connect on the dashboard.

Be sure to select the ‘Allow the see, edit & delete your GMB listings’ permissions, before you proceed.

Once the account is successfully connected, the same will reflect under the connected accounts tab.

Note: You can add any number of accounts(GMB/FB) on the connected accounts. There are no limits/restrictions on the number of accounts you can connect.

that under the locations(in the screenshot above), no information is populated(blank) as you have not connected any locations yet to this specific Google/GMB(or Facebook) account. We will show you the successful connections once we complete the connect process.

Once a GMB/FB account is connected, any location/s that has been added to the Synup dashboard and also exists on the connected account with an exact NAP match will be automatically matched and shown to the user in the Connection Suggestions tab. The user will have to confirm the match. This completes the Bulk connect process. The user can choose to assign another listing if the system has not found the correct match.

Once the account is connected, navigate to the Location connections tab to see the list of all the locations that you can connect/need to be connected to (Follow this to process the single connection for your locations).

Here you will see a list of all the locations that need to be/can be connected to the GMB(or Facebook) account you just connected on the Synup UI.

Note: Use the publisher filter to see only Google-related connections (similarly you can use the filter for Facebook to view Facebook-related connections).

Now to connect or to renew the connection for a GMB location(or Facebook), click on the Connect / Renew connection CTA button.

When you initiate the Connect/Renew connection for a location, you will be redirected to the connection page to confirm the location and successfully complete the connection process. Locations for which renew connections need to be initiated, you can only reconnect the already/previously connected Google/GMB accounts(or Facebook).

The above example with screenshots is for connecting GMB/Google accounts, the process to connect a Facebook account as well is the same.

Note: If the location is unverified(specifically for Google location only), the connection suggestions will not appear on the connect location page.

Once this step is complete, your location will be successfully connected to the dashboard.

You will now see the publisher account connected(GMB/FB email address) and also the connection status(details of location) which have been connected.

Note: This connection info under the Status will be available in 24 hours after the location is connected with the GMB/FB listing. This is applicable only for single connect locations. Listing info for locations that get connected from Bulk connect, will be available immediately.

Now when you navigate the Connected accounts tab, you will notice the details of the locations that have been connected to a said GMB/Google (or Facebook) account.

Click on the hyperlink that suggests number of locations have been connected, to see the list of locations that have been connected to this Google/GMB account.


Understanding the Filters on connected accounts

Filters under Connected accounts

  • Publisher filters - From the drop-down options, you can select the Publisher types - Google, Facebook, or All publishers to view the connected accounts for the respective publishers.
  • Status filters - From the drop-down options, you can select the connected status types of the connected accounts - All, Connected, or with issues.
      • All - lists the details of GMB/FB accounts with all status types.
      • Connected status - lists the details of GMB/FB accounts that have been successfully connected.
      • With issues - lists the detailed view of accounts that have connection issues, like - credentials invalidated, suspended, credentials expired. 
  • Connect New account filters - Choose this option/filter when you need to connect a new Google, Facebook, or Trustpilot account to the dashboard.

Filters under Location connections

  • Publisher filters - From the drop-down options, you can select the Publisher types - Google, Facebook, or All publishers to view the connected listings/locations for the respective publishers.
  • Status filters - From the drop-down options, you can select the connected status types of the connected locations - All, Connected, Not connected, or with issues.
      • All - lists the details of GMB/FB locations with all status types.
      • Connected status - lists the details of GMB/FB locations that have been successfully connected.
      • Not connected - lists the details of GMB/FB locations that are not connected to any account.
      • With issues - Lists the details of listings/locations that have connection errors like lost access to listing (Google. FB), renew (FB).
  • Connect New account filters - Choose this option/filter when you need to connect a new Google & Facebook account to the dashboard.

Triggering manual matches for your locations

In a situation where the NAP match for a location/s is not successful, you can trigger a manual match for these locations with our connections suggestions.

Read this article for more information on how you can trigger manual matches.


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