How to access a rollup view for review analytics

How to access a rollup view for review analytics


How to access a roll-up view for Review Analytics 

If you're a multi-location business owner or an agency, you can view review analytics data for several different business locations on one screen using rollup review analytics.

Here's how you can do this: Access your locations from the Location Manager and group different business locations together using a tag.  

Once you have added tags, Navigate to the Analytics -> Review Analytics tab and search for the tag you created in the location search Navigation picker. 

This will bring up the reviews analytics for all the locations that are added/grouped together in the tag.

Now you can view the rollup review analytics for the grouped business locations.

The Overview Panel - summarises your brand's reputation across media channels for multiple locations through metrics such as:

  • The total number of reviews.
  • Overall rating
  • Total New reviews
  • The average review response rate

Note: You can choose to filter this data by time intervals to compare performance for different date ranges.

Your dashboard for review roll-up reports displays four views -

  • New reviews & rating metrics
  • Location performance
  • Sitewide distribution of total reviews & ratings
  • Table view. 

Understanding New Reviews and Rating Metrics

The Graph Metrics for New Reviews and Ratings provides inputs for:

  • The number of reviews that you receive on a particular day, shown alongside the line graph (in green).
  • An average rating of the reviews that you receive on a particular day - represented by the column bars (in grey).

Note: You can choose to view data graphs for individual review sites as well. Click the drop-down tab displayed in the right corner, and select from the displayed sites.

Understanding Location Performance Metrics

  • Average ratings
  • Total number of new reviews received
  • Review response rate

You can also choose to view only the top 25%, middle 50%, or bottom 25% of the business locations based on their performance in the selected metrics here.

Understanding Site-wide Distribution of Total Reviews and Ratings

  • The segmented pie chart visually indicates the percentage of reviews received from each review site for the selected tag locations. Hover over each segment to view the review site name.
  • The column bar graphs show the average rating received from each review site for the selected tag locations.

Understanding and interacting with the data table

The table view displays a more detailed performance of all the locations that are tagged. You can sort your data by value (highest or lowest) by clicking the column headings.

Here is the review data in each column

  • An average rating received.
  • The total number of reviews received to date.
  • The number of new reviews received for the mentioned time range.
  • The recency of the latest review received.
  • The Base rating your business profile before using Synup's Reputation Management Solutions.
  • The Base review count of the number of reviews of your business profile before using Synup's Reputation Management Solutions.

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