White-labeled Client Onboarding Document

White-labeled Client Onboarding Document


Table of content

Activating your account

Understanding your listings

Connect Your GMB, FB & Yelp accounts

Managing Duplicate Listings

  1. Manage Duplicate listings
  2. Identify and Flag potential duplicate listings

All Reviews - Managing your reviews

  1. Manage & respond to your business reviews
  2. Review response Templates
  3. Automating responses with Wildcards
  4. Creating Review Widgets

Review Acquisitions - Acquire New Reviews

  1. Acquire New Reviews With Email & SMSs
  2. Acquire New reviews with Static URL pages
  3. Review Email & SMS templates
  4. Send Follow up Review Acquisitions

Reports and Analytics

  1. Profile Analytics
  2. Review Analytics
  3. Ranking Analytics


  1. Create a new post
  2. Manage existing posts
  3. Troubleshooting with post errors

Activating your account

After your location has been added to the platform, you will receive an invite email, to accept your invitation.

Click on the accept link and you will be able to set up the password for your login.

Once you have logged in, you will be greeted with the locations manager page.

Here you will be able to see your business locations.


Note: If the number of business locations listed here, shows some discrepancy, feel free to reach out to your POC and they will be able to assist you.

Understanding your Listings

Now click on the Name of the location that you wish to manage and you will see the details of the location that have been added to your business listing, which include details such as Logo, Business name, Business Category, Contact details, Physical address, website, business description, operating hours, social media handles and much more.



If you wish to change any of this information, click on the Edit option under each section and make the necessary changes and then save.


Now from the headers section, Click on Listings and select Premium Listings.


Note: The number of listings published for your location may vary depending on the region of the location.



Here you will notice that the Sync status displayed for some of your listings is displayed as synced and for some it has a Connect account option.


Listings Sync status explained

  1. Synced - But no Live link(Grey arrow) - The location information has been submitted to the partner, however the information is yet to be published in the network
  2. Synced - With Live link - The Location information shared with the partner network has been published. Click on the blue arrow to view the published listing.
  3. Connect Account - You will need to manually connect your GMB, Facebook & Yelp account to ensure that you can manage your business content on these partner networks. (Reason - These network sites require a verification process that cannot be accomplished at our end and hence will require your intervention)

Connect your GMB, FB, and Yelp listings

Refer to the document “Connect your GMB, FB and Yelp listings” to learn how to connect your accounts.

Manage Duplicate Listings

Duplicate Listings are additional records of a brand’s digital profile (business information) on a Publishing Network. Multiple such duplicate listings tend to display a discrepancy in business information (business name, address, and phone number) which can confuse customers.  

Such listings will be flagged as duplicate records and the same will appear on your dashboard under Duplicate Listings.  You can then flag these duplicate listings from your dashboard for suppression.

How to Manage Duplicate Listings

Navigate to the Listings tab displayed in the overhead Navigation Panel, and select Duplicate Listings.

From this space, you will see 4 tabs:

  • Potential Duplicates identified by the application on a Partner Network.
  • Flagged Duplicates that you have marked for suppression.
  • Deleted Duplicates the application has successfully suppressed.
  • Failed Suppressions that require additional action.

Identify & Flag a Potential duplicate listing

Select the Potential Duplicates to view the additional records of your business that the dashboard has identified.

These are labeled as Potential Duplicates, as some of the additional listings recorded may not be duplicates of your business listings, but alternative listings for different outlets of the same brand name in close vicinity.

For example, in the Potential Duplicate Listings identified above for a business with name Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, you can view:

  • Name of the Partner Network (Listing directory) that has a duplicate listing of the brand, in this example Judy’s Book.
  • The original Listing created and verified by the application, linked under the Name of the Partner Network.

For each identified duplicate, you can-

  • View the duplicate Listing on the Partner directory by clicking the link displayed.
  • Review the Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) of the duplicate listing as mentioned on the site, with the discrepancy in business information marked.

In the First listing identified, the business is not a duplicate but another brand (with a different NAP)  listed in the vicinity.

In the Second listing identified, the NAP match with the original listing, making this a duplicate listing of the same business.

In the Fourth listing identified, the Name matches the original listings, but the address and phone number appear inaccurate, making this a duplicate listing with inaccurate information.

For Duplicates identified, click the Flag Dupe option displayed alongside the listing. An action to suppress this listing will be initiated and the Listing will be moved to Flagged Duplicates Tab.

For Potential Duplicates identified, that aren’t duplicates of your business click the Not Dupe displayed alongside the listing.

The Duplicate Listings that you have flagged follow a process that you can track until these listings are deleted/suppressed.

Suppression Process

The Flagged Duplicates Tab displays all the duplicate listings marked for suppression. It takes approximately 2-3 weeks for these listings to be deleted.

Deleted Duplicates

All Suppressed Duplicate listings that were successfully deleted will appear under the Deleted Duplicates tab.  

Failed Suppressions

When a business listing is already claimed, then even after it is marked as a duplicate listing, it will not be deleted.

In such cases, the listing will be moved to the Failed Suppressions tab. This means that the duplicate listing could not be deleted because the Partner Network does not recognize the flagged listing as a duplicate.

All Reviews - Managing your reviews

Manage and respond to your business interactions

To respond to individual reviews:

Use the Universal Search bar to choose a location you want to manage.

Select All Reviews in the overhead navigation bar to view all reviews for this Location.

Scroll to a review and click on Respond.

Type your response directly in the text box and click Send to post your response.

You can also respond to reviews using review templates or use wildcards to personalize a response.

Review Response Templates

What can I do with Review Response Templates?

  1. You can create unlimited templates from the dashboard for standardized and timely communication.
  2. Manage and assign templates to be used across multiple locations.
  3. Access a collection of templates for rotating template responses.
  4. Prioritize responding to negative reviews with filters.
  5. Use Wildcards to auto-populate information fields for personalized responses. 

Activating Review Response Templates

You can use Review Response templates to respond to reviews once you enable this feature from your Review Templates option.


Access the All reviews tab and from here select the hamburger sign/3 dots on the right to access the response templates option

On the page you are re-directed to, Enable the toggle switch displayed at the top. With this enabled, you can respond using Review Response Templates.

Once you have activated the response templates, create one using the Create new template option. There are also two default templates available for you to use.

To Add a New template

Select the Create new template option. Now add a name for your template and the message you want to include in your response.

Select the “Make this a global template” option and click on save.

Responding to reviews using Response Templates

  1. Click Reviews->All reviews from the overhead navigation bar.
  2. Use the Navigation Picker to access a location you want to manage.
  3. You can choose to display reviews by period, or Filter by review site, rating, and status. 
  4. Click Respond and select from the template suggestions that appear on the right.

You can also view more templates from your collection.

The template you select appears in the response box. You can edit this response template before posting it.

Once you have added the required template, click Send to publish your response.

Automating personalized Responses with Wildcards

When responding to reviews, you can use Wildcards to help personalize your responses.

Wildcards help you auto-populate information fields to keep your responses to reviews personalized.

For example, you can draft a generic ‘Thank you’ template and use a wildcard ‘<name>’ within the template. When you use this template to respond to reviews, it publishes a response with the corresponding reviewer’s name.

Here’s an overview of the available Wildcard attributes:


Note: For Publishing Partner Networks that do not support Wildcard attributes, responses could fail to publish. For example, Facebook does not support rating, and using a wildcard <rating> could error out response.


Users can delete this wildcard from the response before publishing.

Using Wildcards to personalize responses

To use Wildcards in your response, type “<” and select from the options displayed.


When you click Send, the Wildcards in your response are replaced with the appropriate values.

Creating Review Widgets

Access Widgets from the hamburger symbol/3 dots from the all reviews option.

Click Create a new widget to create a custom review widget.

Access Widgets from the overhead Navigation Bar

Click Create a new widget and customize your widget.

You can define the following attributes to customize how you want the widget to appear:

Attribute Name


Widget Name

Fill in the name of your widget, as you would like it to appear on the portal.

Widget Type

Select the display size of your widget

The number of reviews to display

Choose the number of reviews that you would like to display. We recommend 3 as an ideal number.

Minimum Star rating to display

Choose the minimum star ratings that you would like to display.

Review Source

Select from a list of 13 review sites that you would like to display reviews.

Widget width

Enter the width of the widget as preferred, either in percentage or in pixels.

Widget height

Enter the preferred height for your widget, either in percentage or in pixels.

Widget Type

Choose whether your widget should be:

  • ‘Read Only’ - only display reviews, or
  • ‘Read/Write’ - allows viewers to post reviews directly on your website.


Click Create Widget to save changes.


Once you create a widget, you can view a preview of it from this space.

Also, You can make edits by clicking the Edit Widget.

To install your widget on your website, click on Install Widget to get an iframe script.

Click Copy Code and add it to your website, and your widget appears on the respective webpage.

Review Acquisition - Create Review Campaigns

With Review Acquisition Wizard, you can motivate your customers to leave positive reviews for your business online.

To Get Started With Acquiring more Reviews:


Click Review Acquisition in the overhead Navigation Bar.

 Then select the Acquisitions option, and click +Acquire New Acquisitions.

Choose your review acquisition Channel:


Once you select the +Acquire New Acquisitions option, you will see the option to create 2 types of review acquisition options.

  1. SMS/Email
    SMS and Email are two of the most lucrative channels to acquire more reviews. Click
    Select to proceed.
  2. Review Page via a Static URL
    To make review acquisition more flexible we’ve introduced a way for you to create branded review acquisition campaigns that you can share as status URLs with customers.

*Note 2:  In compliance with Google review policies, you should not garner reviews on Google with pre-screening criteria in place.

Reports and Analytics

Your Insights dashboards allow you to understand how your business profiles are performing online and give you data to act upon optimizing your presence, content, and reputation management.


To view insights for a location, navigate to the Analytics tab.

Analytics data of 3 kinds are available for you

  • Profile Analytics
  • Review Analytics
  • Ranking Analytics

Profile Analytics

Profile Analytics gives you an insight into how customers interact with your online presence on Google, Facebook, and Bing. Tracking your performance allows you to strengthen your digital presence and drive more visibility of your business to your prospects.


To view metrics of your digital profiles, ensure that your business Google and Facebook accounts are connected on the dashboard.


The overview card summarises how discoverable your digital profiles across Partner Networks.

The performance metrics measures how customers engage with your digital profiles through:

  • Profile Views
  • Website Visits
  • Phone Calls made
  • Direction Requests

You can choose to filter this data by time intervals to compare performance for different date ranges. To do this:

  1. Click the Custom Period drop-down.
  2. Select from - 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, or custom (select the dates you want).

Note: The date range for ‘7 days’ includes data cumulated for the past 14 days. The exact dates are displayed alongside the graph.

Understanding your profile analytics dashboard

The dashboard displays a graph view and a table view of your profile performance on Google, Facebook, and Bing.


In a Graph view, your dashboard displays individual graph cards to visually illustrate how many profile views, website visits, calls, and direction requests your business receives online.

  • Hover over any point on the graph to view metrics from individual listing networks (Google, Facebook, Bing, and a cumulative from all these sites) and the date these were recorded for.

In the Table view displayed below the overview card, you can see how your business location is performing along with a calculated percentage of increase or drop in performance for that date range.

Note: The metrics generated from your digital profiles on Google and Facebook is crawled daily; however, for Bing, we accumulate data weekly.

Review Analytics

Review Analytics helps you measure your brand's reputation online through reviews and ratings received from across platforms.

To view metrics on your Review Analytics Dashboard, you will need to ensure that your Listings on review platforms are accurately linked.

The Overview Panel summarises your brand's reputation across media channels.

The performance metrics measures how customers engage with your digital profiles through:

  • The total number of reviews.
  • The number of new reviews received for the mentioned time rage.
  • An average rating received
  • The rate at which these reviews have been responded to.

You can choose to filter this data by time intervals to compare performance for different date ranges.

To do this, click the date range drop-down and then, select from - 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, or custom (select the dates you want).

Your dashboard displays two views - a graph view and a table view.  

Understanding New Reviews and Rating Metrics

Interacting with Graph Metrics for New Reviews and Ratings

  • The number of reviews that you received on a particular day is displayed alongside the line graph (in green).
  • An average rating of the reviews that you received on a particular day is represented by the column bars (in grey).

You can choose to view data graphs for individual review sites.

To do this, click the drop-down tab displayed in the right corner, and select from the sites displayed.

Understanding Site-wide Distribution of Total Reviews and Ratings


Interacting with the piechart Site-wide Distribution of Reviews

  • The segmented pie chart visually indicates the percentage of reviews received from each review site. Hover over each segment to view the review site name.
  • The column bar graphs indicate the average rating received from each review site.

Understanding and interacting with the reviews data table

The table view displays a more detailed performance of your business reputation across various review sites.


You can sort your data by value (highest or lowest) by clicking the column headings.


Understanding the Review Data in each column

  • An average rating received.
  • The total number of reviews received to date.
  • The number of new reviews received for the mentioned time rage.
  • The recency of the latest review received.
  • The Base rating your business profile before using Reputation Management Solutions.
  • The Base review count of the number of reviews of your business profile before using Reputation Management Solutions.

Ranking Analytics

Ranking Analytics helps you measure your brand’s position on the search engine results page. Monitoring your search engine presence consistently helps you strategize for improved visibility by focusing on the right keywords for your brand.

To view metrics on your Ranking Analytics Dashboard, you will need to first add keywords that align with your business vertical.

Note: A keyword can constitute a word such as "pizza" or a phrase such as "pizza shops" or "pizza shops around me". You can add up to 50 keywords for each location.

Adding Keywords:

Click Add New Keyword

You can add keywords/phrases individually or upload multiple keywords using a CSV file.

To add keywords individually:

Write the Keyword in the box provided and hit enter after every keyword.

To add multiple keywords using a CSV file.

  • Click Check Sample to download the CSV Template.
  • Open this CSV template using a spreadsheet program (like MS Excel or Google Sheets) and fill in your keywords. Save your file as .CSV
  • Click Upload File to upload your saved CSV file.

Click Submit Keywords to save.

Once you add keywords to your ranking analytics dashboard, the dashboard begins tracking how your website ranks on search results.

Using your keywords dashboard

Performance on Google, for example, will display a graph that traces a trend of your business ranking over time.  

You can choose to filter this data by date range to track the performance of weekly keyword trends.

To do this, click the Date drop-down picker and select a week date range to view ranking trends.    


You can also select multiple weeks to view raking trends.

Understanding your Local Average Ranking on Google

The rank ranges (as displayed in the left) show how many keywords fall within the respective ranking.

Your dashboard also displays a quick view of how your keywords have performed.

  • Rising Keywords: Keywords ranking up means your keywords are moving up higher ranks in the search results
  • Declining Keywords: Your URL is showing a drop in rankings for these keywords. It's a good idea to review your keyword list and improve it.
  • Ranking in the top 50: Shows you the number of keywords that rank in the top 50 for SERP results.
  • Ranking above 50: Shows you the number of keywords that rank past 50 for SERP results.

Understanding the rankings data table

The table view displays a more detailed ranking trend of keywords across Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

You can search for specific keywords by clicking  Keywords in the first column heading.


Connect better with your customers using Post campaigns - to increase store visits, sell something, or announce a new feature.

The Posts you create, allow customers to have better access to business updates, which exposes them to make better decisions.

You can create Post to share:

  • Product and business updates,
  • Festive specials & offers such as sales and discounts,
  • Announcements and events you want to highlight

Our platform allows you to manage and track all your posts from your dashboard.

Before you get started

To get started with creating posts, you need to ensure that your Google Business Account is connected.

If your Google Business Account has not connected, the platform prompts you to connect your account from this space.  

Connecting your account syncs any Posts previously created to help manage all your campaigns from your dashboard.


Note: Please allow at least 24 hours for the GMB sync to complete on the platform. If the previous posts do not immediately display on the platform, do not panic. This is expected behavior and is resolved once the GMB sync is complete.

Creating a New Post Campaign

Click Create New Post.

A new window will open where you can add your post details.




Add campaign content

Write your post content. It helps to keep your post content brief, actionable, and useful.

Click Choose Files to Add Media

Use well-focused and vibrant photos to make your message stand out.

Add a CTA (Call to action)

You can check this box to include an actionable button to your Post.

Choose the CTA description

For example, 'Buy,' 'Shop,' 'Get offer.'

Enter a link to redirect users after they've clicked the CTA button.


Post an event

For events, you can add additional and relevant details:

  • Enter an event title.
  • Choose a date and time when the event starts and ends.

Customize your Post

You also have access to multiple customizable options:

You can choose to:

  • Repost the post you've created after its expiry.
  • Make this a Post.
  • Choose when to post: use the drop-down tab to select from the options - Post Now or Schedule.


Click Submit Post to publish your campaign after you have added all the details.

Manage existing Posts

You can edit or delete a post before or after you've published it.


Access the Post you would like to edit or delete and choose:

  • Edit this message to make changes to your Post.
  • Delete the message to delete your Post.

Note: We don't show Pending posts on the dashboard. As soon as you publish a Post, it goes into the pending state and waits for Google to approve it. Once the Post is approved, it moves to active status and is displayed on the dashboard.


Troubleshooting errors with posts

When creating Posts, you may notice that not all of your posts are published immediately. You can check the status column for the latest information on each Post created.

If the status displays an error, hover over the error message to see the error description. Then follow the table below for more information on how to resolve it.



What it means

How to resolve this

Unable to Post

We are unable to post this at the moment.

Please check back again or reach out to our Support Team to resolve this.

GMB Account access disabled. Please reach out to Google Support to resolve this.

Posting Posts has been disabled for this Location.

There seems to be an issue with your GMB account. Please reach out to Google Support to resolve this.

Please Reconnect the Account and try again.

We are unable to post this at the moment as you do not have the required authorization to create Posts for this Location.

Please try reconnecting your GMB Account to resolve this.

Please Reconnect the Account.

We are unable to post this at the moment as you do not have access to this Location from your GMB account.

Please try reconnecting your GMB Account to resolve this.  



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