What is a Facebook Page

What is a Facebook Page

A Facebook page is a non-personal profile page - such as a profile for a company, brand, organization, or website. You can also have Facebook pages for public figures such as politicians and celebrities. Pages differ from a typical Facebook profile, and they can be run by multiple people, they can be followed or liked by anyone on Facebook, and their posts can be monetized and promoted.

Some of the main features of Facebook pages include:

  • Profile information on a brand or company, including a description, contact information, location, and operating hours.
  • Posts that can be promoted or boosted with money.
  • Analytics tab that tracks follower engagement and post reach.
  • An optional reviews feature.
  • Messaging functionality that followers can use to talk to the page’s admins.
  • Verification functionality to confirm the legitimacy of a page (similar to Twitter’s verified status).
  • Posts by the page are prioritized on the landing/homepage.
  • Community/follower posts can be accessed via the Community Tab.
  • Groups can be linked to the page.

Purpose of a Facebook Page

A Facebook page’s purpose is to connect with an audience. As such, it prioritizes the voice and posts of the page. It is not a one-way discussion since users can still engage with posts. But the page takes the lead—it has control over what appears. Followers have a much more passive role and mainly comment on or react to posts. Community posts are not prioritized and appear in a tab separate to the page’s main tab.

Facebook Pages: Advantages and Disadvantages

Most of the advantages of Facebook pages lies in their marketability, centralized control, and extended reach. For example, you can boost posts so that they appear on the feeds of users who have never interacted with the page before. Furthermore, a page’s admins control what appears on the main feed, so you don’t have to worry about spam or unrelated posts.

Advantages of Facebook pages:

  • You can promote posts through Facebook’s advertising platform.
  • Your ads can be targeted towards certain demographics.
  • Facebook does not publicly link admin profiles to the page unless admins manually link themselves.
  • You get analytics for your page that becomes more detailed as your follower count grows.
  • You can schedule upcoming posts to publish automatically.

If your goal is to promote a certain brand, Facebook pages have the best tools to achieve this. You can also track your page likes versus followers since users can now unfollow posts on Facebook.

A few disadvantages of Facebook pages include:

  • Pages are public and visible to everyone by default, so they’re not suitable for private use.
  • It is easy for users to set up pages which impersonate your brand or company, therefore it may become necessary to go through the verification process.
  • Admin inactivity means that your page’s feed will become inactive.

Who Should Use A Facebook Page?

Pages are more suitable for promoting a specific company, brand, or organization.

Public figures can also have their own page. Things that a celebrity may share on their Facebook page versus their personal Facebook profile are very different. So, in this situation, a page is somewhere they can promote their message while keeping their personal profile private.

A few other scenarios where you would use a Facebook page include:

  • A brand or a company promoting their product.
  • A website that wants to share content with a Facebook audience.
  • A politician who wants to share updates with their voters.
  • An organization or non-profit group that wants to share news and announcements with an audience.
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