Understanding Roles and Permissions

Understanding Roles and Permissions

You can now share your Synup account with crucial other group members from your organization, as well as with your agency’s clients. Team members are invited as users to share access to your account and can help manage your account along with other users within the account.

The role-based account access can be controlled depending on the level of access you want to give them by defining permissions for each user. These permissions can be reassigned and customized to suit requirements.  


You can assign users different roles in your dashboard. These roles define the various job functions that outline the kind of access each user has to the data on your dashboard.

In other words, a role allows any user to perform defined functions within your dashboard to manage data(Edit access) or view data(read-only access).


You can assign permissions to users you invite to your dashboard. The permission administration allows your organization maximum user control, as well as ensuring that each user has the right access based on their specific needs or user personas.

How it works

There are 2 types of users you can invite:

  1. Internal users 
  2. Agency’s client users

Internal Users

Users Invited to the dashboard are typically organization team members.

Types of default roles available for Internal Users:

  1. Admin
  2. Manager

Admin - Users invited as Admins to the dashboard have administrator privileges related to managing the account, including maintaining the company’s billing information, account settings, and user accounts.

Overview of Admin Roles:

  • Defining roles and permissions for other users within the account
  • Defining access to data/locations (through folders), to specific locations
  • Setting up client spaces
  • Creating teams of users and defining restrictions and customizations to suit business requirements
  • Managing billing information and subscriptions (changing account subscription plans and purchasing add-ons)
  • Has full access to all the location data on the dashboard account

Manager - Users invited as Managers are sub-users within the same accounts with customized permissions. Manager users can access and manage the location data for specified locations.

Overview of Manager Roles:

  • Manage a set of locations and folders.
  • Managing billing information and subscriptions (changing account subscription plans and purchasing add-ons), if permitted access

Agency’s Client Users

Client Users Invited to the dashboard are typically customers of an Agency who are granted access to view their business listings information only(Which is manageable through assigning locations/folders).

  • Client  - Can view their data. The client will mostly have view access to some basic features on the dashboard. See the permissions attached to the role to know what info is viewable by the client when assigned this role.
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