Understanding review acquisition delivery errors

Understanding review acquisition delivery errors


We’ve introduced a way to keep a track of your review acquisition delivery errors that you might run into. You can now view a delivery error status from your Review Acquisition dashboard.

To view all your Acquisition Delivery Errors:

Navigate to your Review Acquisition dashboard.

Click the more options button (indicated by three vertical dots on the top right corner) and select Delivery Errors from the drop-down menu.

From this page, you can view all your acquisition delivery errors, filter by errors, and even download a report of this information.

Types of Delivery Errors: Settings


Opted-Out - “Opt-out” contacts are those who have explicitly requested to unsubscribe from review acquisition requests.


To help you create compliant acquisitions, our review acquisition feature helps you keep a record of recipients that have chosen to opt-out from receiving your review requests.

What can I do with this information?

You can use this directory to cross-check the recipients you add to any future acquisitions. This helps ensure that the users you have added as recipients to the acquisition have not ‘opted-out’.


Bounced - Bounced as an error status indicates that the emails were sent out to the recipients, however, the email was not delivered due to errors from the recipient’s end (either the inbox was full or such emails were blocked).

Invalid Email - Emails could fail delivery if the email address of the recipient is invalid.

Internal Error - Internal errors indicate that the emails were not sent out due to system application lapses.


Note: For Agency Accounts, the displayed information on this page will vary.  Admin users will be able to view delivery errors for all account locations. Manager users, however, will only be able to view information on delivery errors for the Locations assigned to them. White-labeled clients of an Agency can view errored email delivery for locations assigned to them.

Downloading Delivery Error Reports  

To download a record of these errors click the Download icon displayed in the top right corner.

This will download a CSV file of the data you view here.

Note: To download a report for a particular type of error you can filter your data by error status. Click the Filter icon displayed in the ‘Status’ column and choose from the options, for example, “Opted out”. This will allow you to download a report of all your opted-out contacts.


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