Post Automations

Post Automations

Post Automation is available for everyone as a part of Standard and Premium plans. 

It gives you the ability to create bulk posts for multiple locations at the same time.

To get started, navigate to Listings, you will see a segment added under posts, called the create post automations.

Creating a post automation

To create a new post automation, click on the CTA - Create Post Automation button.

Before we proceed, you must know that there are 3 types of posts that you can create through post automation.

  1. Announcement post - Create awareness about your brand/locations(available for Google & Facebook).
  2. Offer post - Drive conversions like call rates, click rates for your location/s (available for Google).
  3. Event post - Get foot/web traffic (available only for Google).

Once you have clicked on the Create Post Automation button, the page that you are redirected to allows you to add the specifics for your post.

Creating an announcement post

Add a name to your post first - Be sure to write a name to your post that is easily identifiable from the post automations dashboard. Note - this name is not visible on Google or Facebook it is an internal identifier on the Synup dashboard.

Now from the drop-down options available, select post type - Announcement.

Select the locations where you want the automation to run. The locations can be chosen based on Tags, Assigned to, Name, City, Postal code, Categories, State, or Folders. Use the drop down to filter locations as per your convenience. 


Now schedule the automation by selecting the date ranges for when you need this automation to start, the frequency of the automation- just once, daily, weekly, monthly, if you choose weekly or monthly frequencies - you can also select the days of the week or the date of the month respectively, and the end date - you can choose to either end it on a specific date or run this automation forever.

Next, add the Announcement update in the box provided, that you want to display on the post update on your business profile.

Next, you can add images to an announcement post. The recommended image size options are mentioned on the screen, but for your reference, the image size has to be between 10KB to 5MB, 1200 x 630px. 

Note: Adding an image is not mandatory.

Last, include a CTA button for your Covid-19 update. Choose from options such as Book, Order, Shop, Learn more, or Sign-up.

Note: CTA URLs will be shortened using our link shortener for better analytics and tracking.

Once you have added the automation schedule, content and photos you will see the run details of your selection on the preview, displayed on the right side of the page. The details displayed will be the, start & end dates, the run schedule, the days/dated when the automation will be run.

See the final preview of your Announcement post, as visible on Google or Facebook on the right side of the page, before proceeding to complete the automation.

Once you have reviewed everything on the post automation you just created, and everything looks alright - click on the Publish option displayed on the top of the screen to publish/activate your post automation.

Creating an Offer post

An offer post can be created for Google.

With an offer post, the additional attributes you will need to include are the offer post-title, offer description, the terms and conditions and the images. The CTA button available for an offer post is only Order. No other CTA options are available for this post type.

Use the drop-down options displayed on top of the post preview to view what the post would look like on Google Mobile, Google desktop, and/Facebook post previews.

Note: Adding an image is not mandatory.

Creating an Event post

An event post can be created for Google only.

Add an event title, a detailed event description, the start date, and end date for your event - along with the time when the event starts, add a CTA button - choose from options such as Book, Order, Shop, Learn more, or Sign-up, include a link for your CTA and you are done.

Note: Adding an image is not mandatory.

Understanding the headers on the Post automation page

Name - The name of the post automation you created

Status - Status of the automation, if it is enabled/active post or if this automation has been stopped.

Type - The type of post created(See the creation of posts to see the different types of posts that can be created)

Locations - Total number of locations that have been included in the mentioned post automation(minimum number of locations that can be added to post automation is 1, there is no upper limit).

Start date - The start date of the automation created.

Created by - The name of the user on your account, who created the post automation. (At the moment, this feature can be accessed only by the admins on the account, or to users who have access to all the locations on the dashboard. If you wish to change this reach out to our support team at and they will be able to assist you).

Editing or stopping an automation

At any given time, if you wish to stop an active automation or edit an automation, you can do so by clicking on the hamburger sign alongside the automation itself to achieve this.

Note - When you edit an active/enabled post automation, the edited version of the post will be pushed out only in the next run of the scheduled post. For example, if it's a weekly run of post automation scheduled for every Monday for the next 3 months, and you make an edit on a Wednesday, the edited version of the post will only be pushed out on the following Monday and not immediately.

Note - When you stop an active post before its scheduled stop date, the automation will stop sending out new run’s to your GMB/FB posts, however, the post will still be visible on your location GMB page(product posts) and FB page.

Accessing post automations for a single location/multiple locations

From the location navigation picker, if you choose a single location, then the post automation relevant to the selected single location will show up on the post automation page. If you choose to view a roll-up view of locations with the help of a tag, then post automation pertaining to the locations added to the tag will show up.


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