How to manage your scantool leads

How to manage your scantool leads


Scan Tool Insights

Navigate to the leads section under settings to view the leads captured through the scan tool.


The overview panel summarises how many leads have channeled in.

The performance metrics measures how customers engage with your digital profiles through:

  • The total number of scan tools leads you have received (the total number, and not just for the selected period).
  • New leads you've generated during a specified time range.
  • Leads from single location businesses
  • Leads from multi-location businesses.

You can choose to filter this data by time intervals to compare performance for different date ranges.

To do this:

  1. Click the Period drop-down.
  2. Select from - 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, or custom (select the custom period).

Understanding the Graph View

Each point along the line graph shows you the number of leads generated at different points in time.

You can access the individual leads that you've generated along with details such as the business location and contact information, the type of business (single-location, multi-location, marketing-agency), and scan tool reports.

Deleting Leads

You can delete any of these individual leads by clicking the Delete option displayed beneath the name and contact information.

You can also delete multiple Leads by selecting the checkboxes against the leads you want to delete.

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