How to manage duplicate listings?

How to manage duplicate listings?

Duplicate Listings are additional records of a brand’s digital profile (business information) on a Publishing Network. Multiple such duplicate listings tend to display a discrepancy in business information (business name, address, and phone number) which can confuse customers.  

As a general approach to managing duplicate listings, the application claims any additional records of your business and ensures that accurate data that you manage from your dashboard syncs with these listings viewed publicly.

Listings that could not be claimed will be flagged as duplicate records and the same will appear on your dashboard under Duplicate Listings.  You can then flag these duplicate listings from your dashboard for suppression.

How to Manage Duplicate Listings

Log in to your dashboard and use the Navigation Picker to access the Location you want to manage.

Navigate to the Listings tab displayed in the overhead Navigation Panel, and select Duplicate Listings.

From this space, under each tab you can view:

Flagging a Potential duplicate listing

Under the Duplicate Listings tab, click Potential Duplicates to view the additional records of your business that the application has identified.

These are labeled as Potential Duplicates, as some of the additional listings recorded may not be duplicates of your business listings, but alternative listings for different outlets of the same brand in close vicinity.

For example, in the Potential Duplicate Listings identified above for Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, you can view:

  • Name of the Partner Network (Listing directory) that has a duplicate listing of your brand, in this example Judy’s Book.
  • The original Listing was created and verified by the application, linked under the Name of the Partner Network.

For each identified duplicate, you can-

  • View the duplicate Listing on the Partner directory by clicking the link displayed.
  • Review the Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) of the duplicate listing as mentioned on the site, with the discrepancy in business information marked.

In the first listing marked, the business is not a duplicate but another brand (with a different NAP)  listed in the vicinity.

In the second listing marked, the NAP match the original listing, making this a duplicate listing of the same business.

In the third listing marked, the Name matches the original listings, but the address and phone number appear inaccurate, making this a duplicate listing with inaccurate information.

For Duplicates identified, click the Flag Dupe displayed alongside the listing. An action to suppress this listing will be initiated and the Listing will be moved to the Flagged Duplicates Tab.

For Potential Duplicates identified, that aren’t duplicates of your business click the Not Dupe displayed alongside the listing.

The Duplicated Listings that you have flagged follow a process that you can track until these listings are deleted/suppressed.

Suppression Process

The Flagged Duplicates Tab displays all the duplicate listings marked for suppression. It takes approximately 2-3 weeks for these listings to be deleted.

Deleted Duplicates

All Suppressed Duplicate listings that were successfully deleted will appear under the Deleted Duplicates tab.

Failed Suppressions

When a business listing is already claimed, then even after it is marked as a duplicate listing, it will not be deleted.

In such cases, the listing will be moved to the Failed Suppressions tab. This means that the duplicate listing could not be deleted because the Partner Network does not recognize the flagged listing as a duplicate.

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