How to bulk respond to multiple reviews

How to bulk respond to multiple reviews

Bulk Response is a workflow that helps you respond to multiple reviews at once. Select the reviews you want to respond to, write a fitting response, or use a saved response template and simply hit Send!

Note 1: Bulk Response is not available for all users at the moment. Contact your CSM or your account admin for further information.

Note 2: You can only respond to Google and Facebook reviews that are connected to their locations on the platform.

How to Bulk Respond

Select the reviews you want to respond to by clicking on the checkbox next to the review card.

You can select all the reviews by clicking on the master checkbox displayed on the top next to Reviews.
After selecting the reviews you want to bulk respond to, click on the 'Respond' button on the right-hand side of your screen.

Clicking on 'Respond' will open up the bulk response modal.

You will notice a table that gives you information about the bulk response job you are initiating.

This table is divided into 3 parts - Can Respond, Connection Missing, and Not Available.

  • Can Respond - From the selected reviews, this is the number of reviews you can bulk respond to.
  • Connection Missing - From the selected reviews, the number of reviews that are associated with unconnected Google or Facebook accounts. You will need to connect your locations to respond to these reviews.
  • Not Available - From the selected reviews, the number of reviews that cannot be responded to due to reasons such as the partner site not supporting review response, the review has been already responded to, etc.

Enter the message you want to respond to into the text box. You can also use the saved templates to respond.

Note: If you are using location-based wildcards such as <biz phone>, please ensure that every location associated with the selected reviews has this information filled in the location information.

After you have typed in your response message, click on the Send button to schedule your Bulk Response job.

Note: Scheduling a bulk response job is irreversible. Double-check your message before hitting send.

Viewing your Bulk Response Job

To view your scheduled Bulk Response Job, navigate to the hamburger menu(3-dots) under All Reviews and click on View Bulk Response Jobs.


You will then see a list of the scheduled Bulk Response jobs. As the admin of the account, you can view jobs created by other users in the account as well(for all locations).

  • Created Date: The date the bulk response job was created.
  • Created Time: The timestamp for the bulk response job was created.
  • Created By: The user that created the bulk response job.
  • Responses: The number of responses scheduled in the bulk response job.
  • Status: The status of the bulk response job. It can be either processing or completed.
  • Successful: The number of responses that were successful.
  • Failed: The number of responses that failed.
  • Skipped: The number of responses that were skipped.

Clicking on any of the bulk response jobs will show you the details of that particular bulk response job.

  • The first table gives you an overview of the particular bulk response job. 
  • The Response Content box below the overview table gives you the content of the response message.
  • The table after the Response Content box gives you details of each of the responses in the particular bulk response job. 
    • Review: The content of the particular review.
    • Source: The source of the particular review.
    • Rating: The rating left by the reviewer. 
    • Location: The location that the review belongs to.
    • Status: The status of the response. Either Completed, Failed or Skipped.
      • If the status is Failed or Skipped, the Cause column will give you the exact reason why it was Failed or Skipped. 
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