You can use Special Hours for any occasion when your business might be running different hours from usual, such as - special holidays, promotion periods, and festival days. These hours can be set prior to the event.
When you schedule special hours for a particular day, these hours will be displayed in your Google listing for the day and will revert back to regular operating hours once the scheduled hours have passed.
Log into your account to access your dashboard. Use the Navigation Picker to access a Location you want to manage.
Select the Edit location option. Scroll to the Operational Details section and click Edit.
Here, Select Add Now under Special Hours.
Use the Choose Date picker to add a date for when special hours are in effect.
Note: You can only select upcoming dates.
In the next step, use the drop-down tab to choose from the options -Opened/ Closed/ Split/ Open 24 hours.
If you want to schedule special hours for another day click the +Add another set displayed at the bottom.
Click Save, to apply changes.
Your operation hours will revert back to regular hours once the scheduled day has passed.
To delete special hours click on the delete icon to delete the scheduled entry.
Note: Once the scheduled special hour's date has passed, this will automatically be deleted from the Listing.