Create Facebook business pages for Multi-location businesses

Create Facebook business pages for Multi-location businesses

If your business operates from multiple shops (salons or restaurants), you can upload details of these stores to Facebook with a business manager account.

Manage/create business pages from your existing Facebook personal account. 

Login into your existing Facebook account

Then go to this link:

Then from the ‘choose Facebook page’ drop-down - select the business page. In this case, we have chosen the existing dream vacation page we have previously created.

  • Select the Get started option.
  • As this is your main page, it cannot have an address.
  • If the page you have chosen has an address, you will see an error message that will prompt you to remove the address.
  • Select the option to remove the address.
  • Here you can either permanently delete the address or you choose to automatically use the mentioned address to create a sub-location.

As we selected the option to use the address to create another sub-location, we received the below confirmation.

Now click on the Locations Manager page.

Choose from the 3 options to add the stores/locations -

  1. Manually
  2. Add multiple locations
  3. Connect an exiting page.

Add Manually


Data attributes 

  • Name - Non-editable field (By default all businesses will be tagged with the name of the main page you chose)
  • Shop ID - Unique store number/ID(fewer than 10 digits)
  • Location descriptor - Add a short location descriptor to help people find your shop. The descriptor will replace the shop's address in its Page title. This step is optional.
  • Street Address*(Mandatory)
  • City/Town *(Mandatory)
  • Postal code
  • Phone number *(Mandatory)
  • Wi-Fi network
  • Page username - Enter a page username to create a custom URL
  • Sub-categories
  • Business operating hours
  • Price Range

Follow the above process to add all your locations.

Now its time to verify if the location pages you have created are publicly visible or not.

Go to your Facebook account and go to the main page - > from the menu options on the left-hand side -> select Shops. 

The location/stores that you added will show up on the map.

Click on the location name hyperlink to go to the specific location page. 

Add Multiple stores

  • Select the option - Add multiple stores, and you will see a sample CSV template, download the template to your desktop and follow the instructions provided and the data attributes to fill in the CSV file.
  • Then upload the CSV to add all the stores at one go.

Connect an existing page

Select this option if you already have pages created for your business, but are added on another Facebook account.

Follow instructions provided to connect the existing pages to this Facebook Business manager page.

Viewing/editing the added stores/pages on Facebook 

The location/stores that you added will show up on the map.

Click on the location name hyperlink to go to the specific location page. 

Note: the Facebook cover and the logo will be identical to the images you added on the main page. Go to each page to update the images if you need them to be different.

Manage your content to be published across all locations.

You can publish a promotional post or any content on your main page and the same will also reflect on all the sub-pages.

To do this, on your business manager page navigate to settings.

Here, under page posts section select the relevant options to post content

  • Always allow - to allow content added to the main page to be added to the sub-pages/stores
  • Only show on store Pages that don't publish their own posts - Self-explanatory
  • Never show - to not replicate the content from the main page to the sub-pages/store pages

Under Shop suggestions, select relevant options to show nearby stores/pages of other stores to be displayed.

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